Entries for date "February 2012"

Come one, come all!

We have two meetings coming up: Monday February 27th at 6:30 at Cafe Vivace at Brix We'll be formulating a proposal for the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Small and Simple Projects Fund.  Think along the lines of projects that demonstrate a capacity to build a stronger and healthier community, and "provide a public benefit and be free and open to all members of the public, and emphasize self-help, with …

Summary of first CSGreenways meeting at Central Cinema

On Thursday, February 9th, Central Seattle Greenways hosted its first community meeting at Central Cinema. Attended by nearly fifty Central District, Capitol Hill, First Hill, Madrona, Leschi, and Montlake residents, the initial meeting connected neighbors and generated ideas for how CSG should effectively advocate for safe, comfortable, and family-friendly neighborhood streets. The evening began with brief introductions and an overview of neighborhood greenways – courtesy of the …