Last Chance to Fill Out SDOT's Bike Master Plan Update Survey is on July 3rd!

Your last chance to fill out SDOT's survey for the 2012 Bike Master Plan update is quickly coming up! On July 3rd, SDOT will stop accepting survey responses from the community so that they can start analyzing the data for use in the update. If you've been waiting to fill out the survey, now is the time! Your response helps shape the priorities that will go into the Bike Master Plan update and that, in turn, will shape what gets built in the coming years. Even if you do not currently bike in Seattle (but would like to), your response to the survey can help make neighborhood greenways a priority for the city. There are two parts to the survey: A traditional 5 minute online survey and an interactive mapping making survey. If you fill out only one, please fill out the traditional online survey and give a plug for low stress, family friend streets for bikes and pedestrians in Seattle! Where you can make the most impact is in questions 8 and 9 of the survey. In question 8, they ask for your top 3 types of improvements you would like to see the city invest in and "Install neighborhood greenways" is one of the options. Please include greenways in your list of top priorities! Doing so sends a clear signal that we want infrastructure that serves everyone in the community. If you're already an active biker and greenway supporter, there is a category in question 9 just for you, which is "Interested in bicycling and rides on low traffic, low-speed residential streets, but I am concerned about my safety when riding in mixed traffic with automobiles". However, if you are a greenway supporter and do not currently ride a bike, question 9 is even more important: Among the options is "I do not ride a bicycle now, but might be interested if Seattle developed bicycle facilities that met my needs or made me feel safer." If you fall in this category, make your voice known! SDOT needs to know without a doubt that there are members of the community who want ride in their community, but don't feel comfortable with the system that we have today. Click here to take the survey right now and help get more greenways built in Seattle!