If you only have 30 seconds to spare please ask WSDOT to do two things (feel free to copy and past, but the strongest comments are those that reflect your own personal views, experience, and values):
- Please study, design, and build a Portage Bay Bridge multi-use trail. This trail would be an enormous asset to people who walk, bike, and simply enjoy recreating on trails. It would interconnect our neighborhoods, better connect the UW area to Capitol Hill, and serve as a critical regional link.
- Redesign the Montlake lid area to incorporate bicycle and pedestrian needs from the ground up. This area serves as a hub for multimodal and regional connections and must be designed to seamlessly, safely, efficiently, and comfortably create paths for people of all ages and abilities to travel to and form home, work, school, and businesses.
You can even send them this message with two clicks and signing your name at the bottom by clicking here. Your e-mail program will load up with the e-mail already ready to go! (It is very helpful to include your name, what neighborhood you live and/or work in, and whether you are part of any neighborhood groups, are a home owner, have a family, etc).
(Or, if you prefer to do it manually, please email WSDOT at: SeattleCommunityDesign@wsdot.wa.gov with your own personal message!)