Entries for date "2016"

Speed Limit Victory in Seattle!

Last Monday, the Seattle City Council unanimously passed a resolution to lower speed limits on all non-arterials citywide to 20 miles per hour, and to lower speed limits to 25 mph on unsigned arterials in the center city, which will dramatically impact streets in our area in a positive way. 20-30-40-fatality-rate This victory is huge, as the 20/25 mph campaign was one of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways' citywide goals for 2016, and …

Memorial Walk for Desiree McCloud


Central Seattle Greenways will lead a Memorial Walk and Solutions Meeting to honor the life of Desiree McCloud and to bring attention to the many collisions that have happened to people who bike along streets with streetcar tracks including East Yesler Way, where Desiree McCloud crashed on her bicycle. The Seattle Department of Transportation is still investigating the cause of the crash. Our solutions meeting afterward will focus on the …

Capitol Hill Station Access Audit

BY DAVID SEATER On February 29, 2016, Central Seattle Greenways volunteers and Seattle Neighborhood Greenways staff met at Capitol Hill Station to conduct an accessibility audit of the station area. We focused on three priorities: safety of street crossings, obstructions in crosswalks and along sidewalks, and sidewalk capacity. The station is expected to serve 14,000 riders every day in 2030, making safety and accessibility of the entrances a significant priority. …

Places for People: 12th Ave Square Park Now Open

12th and james court.jpg 12th Avenue and E James Court in 2008. The property on the left is now an apartment building, the property on the right is now a park. (Click for enlarged view) East James Court used to be a little cut through street with parking along both sides, remarkable only in its unremarkableness, a way for cars to get between 12th Avenue and 13th and to store their cars for a …

Nominate the Worst Intersection in Seattle

For the past three years, the worst intersections in Seattle for pedestrians, according to the readers of the Walking in Seattle blog, have all been close to Seattle's downtown, along Aurora and Denny Way. terryanddenny.jpg-large 2015's "winner"- Terry Ave and Denny Way. We suspect our readers have a number of intersections that they would like to nominate as worst in Seattle, most of them within our central Seattle greenways boundaries. You …